Best Psychedelic Music of August 2023

August was a slow month for The Third Eye but a busy month for me. My wife and I traveled back home to Philly for a two-week visit and saw lots of family and old friends, which was excellent but a little exhausting. Especially when you do the trip by car over two days. I didn’t get much time to digest new releases, but god damn, my cursory review showed it was a great month for psychedelic music.

The eleven albums on this list range from instrumental space rock jams to traditional Pakistani folk and much more. The Stray Birds from the Far East finally landed internationally, OSEES released a new record, REZN and Vinnum Sabbathi gave us an excellent collaborative album, and many of our favorite labels continued to supply great new music.

Another note: I decided to expand the definition of this list from “Best Psychedelic Rock” to “Best Psychedelic Music.” There are a few records on here you might not label as rock, and they may even only be borderline psychedelic, but we enjoyed them enough to give them a spot.

So, dig into the list and get lost in the psychedelic sounds!

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The Third Eye

Welcome to The Third Eye, a music blog covering the best of psychedelic music. We primarily cover underground psych rock, but we also love stoner rock, ambient, cosmic country, and experimental music.

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